Welcome to the High School Course Request Process!


Choosing Courses for High School Students

Please complete ASAP to get the courses you are interested in!

If you have a student who is in High School or who is entering High School, you will need to sit down with them and decide what courses they would like to request. You can find the course catalog HERE.

You may want to take note of what classes your student is interested in, because later on, you will be filling out course requests after you complete the registration process.

To find your Skyward Username and Password, search your RVA Gmail for the email we sent with all of your passwords when you were first accepted into the RVA or the email we sent alerting you to register for the upcoming year. You can click HERE to access Skyward or access it through the High School Classroom Access page.

Note: If you are thinking of taking a class in building in your local school district, choose “in building request” as one of your courses and a counselor will reach out to you.

If your student has an IEP or is in the OnCourse program, please contact your student's IEP case manager or OnCourse teacher before requesting courses.

Feel free to reach out to the counseling department with any questions!

Watch this video that explains requesting courses for your High Schooler.